Thursday, June 08, 2006

Yeah Settlers!

Well, I missed the Knoxville Settlers crew terribly, but since Anna wasn't up here playing, I actually won this time :) I wound up getting very lucky - Mathieu almost won but was short one resource like 4 turns in a row. Good times, and of course, check out the awesome party dish next to the game! Even better :)
Mathieu was wearing his Florianopolis, Brazil shirt for me....his roomate in Stuttgart is from there. Random story time... on Friday he was telling me a story about his shirt, then at the Brazilian restaurant I went to the next day, the waiter was from Florianopolis....crazy. I guess it is a fairly large city, but I hadn't heard of it before....

Tomorrow is the first World Cup game - I'm going to try to watch it - or at least the highlights - I think besides the Olympics this is the most watched sporting event in the world. Plus it is fun since I have German friends here who love their soccer.
Nothing else exciting to say right now....hope everyone has a great Friday!!!