Tuesday, November 28, 2006

New hair

Yup....this is what I look like now....right now actually, well, about 30 seconds ago. There is actually some special stuff in my hair that isn't always there: extra grease from not washing it this morning and christmas tree sap (I think that is what makes it shine :0). Seriously, we are right in the middle of prayer time and the Christmas tree falls over - the stand design was very poor and the tree was pretty tore up from falling so it was quite a project getting it back up. Katee prayed for a hedge of angels to rise up around the tree after that.

In other interesting news, here is what I do at work when things aren't going well...ok, I'm not the artist, but I did give artistic suggestions. I had to crop it so none of you would steal our design and try to compete with us. (The parts aren't supposed to buckle like that....our favorite is the guy with the beanie)

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Ah well, another excellent Thanksgiving break is almost over :( I made it back to Racine after enough big meals to last me until Christmas! I just downloaded some songs from Wicked which I saw with my family yesterday. Its a great Broadway musical which tells the story of the Wizard of Oz from a different perspective, telling the stories of Glinda the Good and the Wicked Witch of the West. I think my favorite song is either "defying gravity" or "popular".

In other news I actually got a quite dramatic hair cut last week. If I remember I'll try to post some pictures soon....Its awesome so far - I got it permanently straightened so it doesn't look like "Alice" hair when I try to blow dry it.

The weather has been great up here the last couple weeks. It was in the 60s yesterday in Chicago! And the sun has even been out! It is supposed to be a high of 20 on Thursday though :( Then I'll get my chance to start whining again.

Sorry I haven't been posting much like I said I would, but I'll keep trying to put any interesting news up from life in Wisconsin!!