My life is simple but from time to time I have a thought worth sharing so thanks for stopping by! I live in Racine WI and work as an engineer. I'm currently attending Grace church and am involved in an awesome ministry - Lazarus house. I'm very fortunate to have made awesome friends in different phases of my life and in different places. I'm assuming you are one of those friends so thanks so much for keeping an eye on me!!
are you playing near a cemetary? :P
"Circus moves fun and games to local cemetary"
are they sober?
deadly entertaining
does anyone know how to juggle? Just curious?
good times, too bad you didn't get Mark and I drinving around in circles on video that would have been good...
when you cant juggle, just throw objects up and down and pretend. sooner or later someone will take a picture and no one will notice.
Try as they might, the performers were still playing to a dead audience.
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